Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quick.... 18 June...

Swam. Huia. Nice. 80 lengths plus 10 lengths breaststroke.

Hot guy, underwater hockey, red speedos, nice sprinkingly of hair, cute.

So good views.


Monday, June 16, 2008

La La Laa...

Not sure why I even add anything to this blog!!

Yes. Did go swimming today. At Huia.

Moved my ass.

There was a very hot young man in red speedos (underwater hockey I think!) swimming - fast and nice.

Then there was the young guy towards the end - nice nice pecs!

And the guy in the fast lane - perhaps about 30 - but nice tight body! Yah!

Nothing like a view. Especially of a speedo certified guy...

Now, all I need is contacts and/or prescription goggles!

And some sleep I suspect.... Oh, well, better wander off and do the dishes I guess!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Time Time Time...

It's now time to update this; to add the two (yes, only two) swims I've done since my last entry and I'm wondering why my belt is tight!

So, today went to Huia Pool - first time in nearly two weeks. OMG, the hottest blond guy was on the front desk. A great dark blue shirt, with khaki shorts that so showed off his cute ass - he was the lifeguard who was on when I went swimming with my newphews - mega cute then and mega cute now.

So, a nice swim, nice to get in the water, a bit hard but got there - 80 lengths but 10 breaststroke. There was a guy who joined me (lol - I was there first, that's all) in the fast lane - speedos and heaps faster - oh, well! But a nice swim and at least I went....

The cute/hot/yum/front desk guy left at 2pm... Oh well.... Lol!

The other swim was at Queenstown on opening day - yah! Only went once but at least I'll be forever able to say that I swam in the Queenstown pool on the first day that it was open. A nice complex, stunning views from the lane pool, the two guys in speedos nice - especially especially the one who hugged out with the woman who turned up; the hot, hairy chested, shorts guy in lane one - yummy...

So, yes, Queenstown, despite the $8 entry fee, was most excellent. Certainly, if you lived there, the year pass would be so worth it - it's about $350 for unlimited swims in 12 months - a really good deal!

Yah for swimming!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Well, at last, I finally, after nearly two weeks, got off my ass (which I'd been on for most of the day) and finally went swimming.

At Huia.

A gentle swim. Really. Nothing exciting. 60 lengths. Maybe better than nothing. :)

In the fast lane was I. There was a young man, an underwater hockey and water polo player, with candystripped speedos. And could he swim. Bastido! But a nice kid to chat with.

Then there was the DILF. Oh, nice, muscular, could swim, bilaterally, wearing a blue cap... Nice arms, yummy shoulders, sweet legs and a tight butt... Mmm... DILF we like.... Mmmm...


Now, I need to just keep up and get back into the habit! And not eat donuts like I did afterwards... Duh!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

He seriously...

He seriously is the hottest lifeguard around. He's got a beard, stunning pecs, just a great looker.... Mmm...

So, I know where you want to swim in the Wellington Region if you want to see the hottest lifeguard!

Then there was a DILF - I assume a D but who actually knows, who was wearing speedos (with speedo on the back) who was in the fast lane, then the slow lane, then my lane (the medium lane). He was very very DILF... Hehehehe.

And the guy who was in the fast lane - nice little body.... And he was in the change room, in front of the mirror - checking himself out - naked. I guess if that's your thing...


Only a gentle swim though... Hehehe....

Monday, April 28, 2008

A week away...

A super quickie entry.

Slack but I finally went swimming today - a whole 60 lengths - slack slack but at least I went.

The pool was fairly empty, it was a bit hard (it's amazing how quickly your fitness goes); there was an almost DILF, and one of the hot lifeguards.

Oh, well, habit habit, let's get back into it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Swimming. Today (well, yesterday evening).

Huia Pool.

Andrew. Hottest lifeguard. He was there. Got this super sexy beard thing going on.

Then this guy got in the fast lane with me. He had white goggles. Perfect physique. Tight tight buns in black biker style speedos. Gorgeous legs, stunning things. A brilliantly tight little tummy that flowed up to these perfect pecs - just absolutely sexy. And good looking - looked liked Scoobsta.

Just yum.

Then in the slow lane was some guy who I couldn't really see. Red/black togs (shorts) but he seemed to have really sexy shoulders and chest. Not as tight as the guy in the fast lane - but nice none-the-less.

Not a bad night at Huia. Not bad at all....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Long time...

OMG - I'll be quick....

But long time since I've swum.

I did go once last week - but it doesn't really count - I didn't do a blog entry and slack slack slack.

Today, 14 April - back on the bandwagon.

Went to Huia Pool; not that I felt particularly motivated - but at least I went.

Swam 50 lengths (plus warm ups and lost counts and breaststroke warm down).

Hot muscle boy from around Petone - think he used to run a café and/or be a cop. Cute and nice body - pecs to die for...

Then really nice boy in red shorts - heard him talking, he had an accent I couldn't place. Good looking though, nice tight little body.... Hehehe...

His friend who had some interesting tattoos - yes, nice too... hehehehe...

So, slack swim, at least I went, not bad eye candy for Huia and well, there we go!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Huia...

Sunday, 30 March 2008.

Only been on one swim this week. And that was back on Monday. Which was a public holiday. And the last day for the season at McKenzie.

So thought I'd better get off my ass at least once more this week - I'd had the best intentions to go more but...

So off to Huia. Changed at home. Arrived. Woah. Then I am buying a 30 trip and this little red head spunk comes into the till area - he's a lifeguard but was obviously swimming today - he was in togs (not speedoes... :( ) - absolutely sweet little figure, yummy pecs.... Mmmmm... and to thin theat he can save lives too!!

The pool was busy busy busy . Ask a lifeguard if another lane could be added; yep, no probs.

So swim swmin, in the fast lane, with a very good looking, nicely shaddowed face, sweet butt and the hottest shoulders and arms - and to boot he was in speedos.

Yes... A very nice "swimming in the same lane" partner - even if he was shitloads faster than me.

A 60 length swim - not very good but as I say to myself - better than nothing.


Now all I want is the boy in the speedos... Hehehe.

Monday, March 24, 2008

And so it ends...

Today was the last day of the season for McKenzie Pool - so I swam 70 lenghts freesytle and 10 lengths breaststroke - with some extras.

Just beautiful - warm, sunny, not-overdossed on chlorine - just scrummy.

Oh - and tyr goggles are much much better than speedos - speedos don't seal very well, but tyrs just seem to work so much better.

So maybe there is a lesson in that.

I shall miss the outdoor pools until next season - they really are rather wonderful to swim in!!

(oh and I went for a swim on Sunday at McKenzie - nice, nice, nice).



Friday, March 21, 2008

Just a quickie...

Today, Friday, Good Friday - although one may argue that that's all a bit religious really - feeling a bit poorly (it was only 4 glasses of wine - what's the world coming to) and having had nana-nap this afternoon and having done nothing but eaten cheese, cheese and more cheese, I thought that maybe I needed to move my fat ass and go swimming.

So I did.

To McKenzie Pool in Petone.


Only a few people. But a grey sky and beautiful clear and warm water. Just lovely. There's something special about an outdoor pool, not too much chlorine and warm water under the sky....

Only 40 lengths - but better than nothing.

And, at the end, I did a couple of lengths of breaststroke and looking up, at the surface of the water, the reflections and the light - it's stunning!! :)

Now I just need to eat less cheese!! Lol!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Only One...

Tonight, Wednesay, 19 March, it was just little ol'me in McKenzie Pool (in Petone) - I had the whole place to myself!


The sky was a bit moody, the water was beautiful, warm and stunningly refreshing - it was beautiful. And being the only one in the pool, all to myself - ahh... bliss...

I swam 70 lengths (plus warm ups and only 2 breaststrokes) - so not a bad swim.

Just lovely.....

Followed by thai food....

Yum.... :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday Monday...

Well, here we are, it's Monday, the day was cool but warm, the evening was one of those divine late summer evenings, calm, warm, soft light...

So off to McKenzie Pool in Petone - I figured a bit of outdoor swimming would be nice.

Well, with the train being late and my pissing about as usual I didn't have long enough to swim so I only did 60 lenghts (and I don't think I even miss-counted this time) - so a rather slack swim from an effort perspective.

But it was a beautiful evening, the water was warm; it was just a super pleasant swim.

And, to top it off, some guy whom I've never seen before came along. Young, swum in the lane closest to the side of the pool, speedos, hunky legs, flat tummy, nicely hairy chest - what can I say - a rather sexy man whom I think would make speedo certification. When he got out and was standing by the edge of the pool - let's just say nice pecs....

So, a nice swim, didn't drown, didn't really put in enough effort but with good views.

Does a boy need any more in this life?

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Yep, today, after a week of not swimming (bad, lazy, slack, all of the above), I finally got out to Eastbourne for a swim.

Not a bad pool, bit hard to tell where the end of the lanes are (there doesn't seem to be a standard distance in pools between the t-mark on the bottom of the pool and the actual end of the pool), nice water (warm), hot lifeguards and 80 lenghts plus 10 breaststroke plus warmups/miscounts - so not a bad little swim.

The lifeguards - well, the one with blue jeans was a redhead - and I don't care what people say - redheads are cute. The one with black jeans - friendly guy, nice nice biceps (ah, as I came in and paid my half price fee, he chatted, I checked out his biceps - seemed a good deal to me) and good looking, nice chest (although wearing a teeshirt under his SwimCity yellow shirt - so who knows if his chest matched his blond hair on this arms....).

One small drawback - they started cleaning around the pool at about 5pm and I have no idea what chemical they put down but it made the water taste funny - it was like dettol or something; hope I've not been poisoned!


The changing rooms have a nice warm shower (Petone can be a bit cold) but the floors are concrete - which can make for a chilling stand (and the water tends to just sit there - I wonder where it normally goes in a lino floored changing room - who knows).

Oh, and there was a DILF there today. A DILF you ask - yes, a DILF - it's the new term we all need to learn - a Dad I'd Like to Fuck. Heheh - he was blond, sexy hairy chest, nice legs and well, it worked. He wasn't lane swimming - for most of the time I was the only lane swimmer - and it ended up with only one lane - which had me in it - but not bad distractions.

The pool, too, is nicely deep - one end shallowish and the other up to my chin - nice nice....

So there we go - only another public pool in Wellington, and I've done them all (depending, of course, if I count the outdoor pool in Khandallah - which I don't - or Raumati - which I'm not sure if it's a Wellington pool...).

Oh well, sleep time with dreams of lifeguards I guess....


Sunday, March 9, 2008

It's Official....

Ok, so it's official - Johnsonville has really hot guys; why I don't know but every time I've been swimming at the J/Ville Pool there have been hot guys there. Really hot guys.


I initially went to Eastbourne to have a swim there - but do you think I could find the pool - no, no, no. So I drove home and did the only sensible thing - had a snooze....

Then I thought that I really needed to get off my fat ass and go for a swim.... So off to Johnsonville I did trundle.

A nice swim, I completely lost count of how many laps I did - I mean, I think I actually lost a whole 10 laps - odd odd.

But, OMG, there was a red head, he had a wedding ring but what a very very hunky body - he had a dazzling smile, a hot hairy chest, a cute ass, was wearing white shorts with a strip motif, fantastic shoulders, gorgeous pecs and, well, just very very nice... Yum yum... Hehe.

And there was a guy in my lane, white shorts as well, he was with his girlfriend (I think) and he was really cute too....

See, it's all just happening at at J/Ville. And, hey, if you're going to swim what's wrong with having a most excellent view whilst trying to stay healthy!!

So, a good swim with a most excellent view and a total reinforcing how, everytime, there are hot guys at J/Ville to distract you, excite you or just make you go mmmm....


ps. the red-head - seriously hot. Oh, as was the lifeguard - he was rather edible too. Oh, and then, as I'm thinking about it, the guy at reception, with glasses - hot/cute/mmm pick me too!!

The outdoors...

Well, yesterday was at McKenzie Pool in Petone.

My first swim in almost a week - and I didn't even swim that far... Slack slack slack...

Especially as I'd sat around all day.

But, I must say, although there were no views it was a beautiful swim - the water was warm, the wind chilly if you stood up but if you stayed under, it was just gorgeous and refreshing....


I just need to swim more, eat less and, well, yes...


Sunday, March 2, 2008

I think perfection does exist...

Yes, Sunday, 2 March 2008 shall go down as the day that, if I didn't know it already, it was proved that perfection exists.

Freyberg Pool, about 5.15pm, time for a swim. It was all a bit difficult to begin with - I was tired and a bit achy from a late night the night before, but it was time to stretch out and, well, at least pretend to do some exercise.

So, into the medium lane closest to the changing rooms - swim swim swim. With the timing of people all up the wop and there seemed to be either some kind of current or I was swimming at some weird angle as I kept bumping into the lane rope - odd.

But some very cute/hot guys (both in my lane and the fast lane) - you know, Freyberg has the sexiest swimmers in the Wellington region I be thinking.

In the slow lane were two guys - the one with the yellow goggles - oh, so very very yummy.

Talking, however of goggles - speedo goggles suck - they might be good at togs but at goggles - nope.

I ended up changing lanes to the medium lane closest to the sauna/bleechers - the usual one I'm in. I'm swimming away and vaguely (well, noticing) that in the fast lane was a very fine physique in black speedos - who was swimming really fast - but it was a nice flash by!!

He stopped swimming and I noticed him standing up at the end chatting to the guards (and to the other hottie in my lane - I'm telling you, Freyberg has rather most excellent eye candy!).

Then I had a break (it might've been a loo break). And I saw who it was. And he just standing there, leaning on the edge, legs crossed at the ankles, arms folded, pecs perfect....

It was the guy who looks like John Key and who normally wears biker-style togs. But, no, today there he was in black speedos.

And fuck, was he so speedo certified.

And more than that, he had the nicest smile, he was talking about whales, he's handsome, sexy, body beautiful, dulcet voice and can swim.

Yes, I think today that perfection exists in the male human form was proved.

Stop breathing.
Stop time type of perfection.

Oh well, it's always wonderful to at least be able to look on a masterpiece.

I also swam 2.4kms, (70 freestyle and 10 breaststroke) plus some warm up and lost number counting - so a good swim too. :)

Freyberg - go if you want views that are well views.....

And you want to check out perfection.

Saturday..... Ah... Saturday....

Saturday, 1 March 2008.

What can I say? I finally got off my fat ass and went swimming. A nice 70 lengths at Freyberge Pool in Wellington (with a few extra warm ups and breast stroke to end).

It's a really nice pool; Freyberg. It's open until 9pm - so for someone who is always late like me (except for 2 things - one being my funeral; although I have my doubts about being on-time for that!) a later close is great.

So get there about 7.15, get changed and go and do my thing. Probably the most important thing is that I filed up my waterbottle.

New habit I must learn - drink more water, especialliy when I'm going swimming later in the day - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

As for the views; well I think it's true that Freyberg Pool has the hottest swimmers in the Wellington region (followed maybe by Johnsonville - although Huia has hte hottest, to die for, lifeguard.

The guys tonight - what can one say. The guy who was first off in the fast lane - sexy, muscley and could swim. Then there were the three German or Scandinavian guys - I couldn't quite catch their accent in the changing room afterwards - but talk about some very nice, very serious, think surfer-boi, eye candy. Then when the guy left the fast lane, another guy came in an dhe was mega yummy too - couldn't quite tell if he was an as-fast swimmer as me - it woud've ven interesting to put it to the test - although he certainly one in the hot, nice pecs, sweet body stakes!!

So, a good swim, some good views and now, after a pile of dancing, it's very late and bed calls.

Oh, and yes, I subsequently ate a pile of food which completely negated any of the benefits of swimming!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Stuff That Kick Started The Blog...

This is a cut/paste just for the record!!:)

Yes - the swimming blog is coming.

To cover events, or at least the view. Like Wednesday the hottest ex-waterpolo player R who I chatted with as he was leaving and I was arriving.

Or Thursday (today) at JVille - the guy in the lane furthest from the aquarobics, who was then in the changing room,then was jogging from JVille to Khandallah - you know that concept of the most perfect bubble butt and give your eye teeth for his number...

Sunday, Huia, the lifeguard, with the beard, it works, it's hot. But the swim was slack, too many people, some inconsiderate, OMG though the straight boy with the football style nylon shorts who had that little clit-tickler thing, blond, swum well and fast... Yes please.

Johnsonville Pool; the stars haev been in alignment or something; some of the hottest guys around. The boy who was throwing the yellow ball (with his girlfriend - one can still pant a bit...) - he looked like Owen from SeanCody - and not just a similar face but the whole muscle-body-OMG-Pick-Me thing... Or the four guys mucking about. Or the spunk who started swimming in my lane.... Or the hottie in the long white shorts in the changing room- I'm telling you, something was just gelling in J/Ville...

Friday evening was Huia. The hottest lifeguard in the Wellington region was working. I didn't drown. He didn't need to save me. Oh well. And I'm starting to think that maybe a beard on the right guy can be ok. It works on him so......

On Monday, the public holiday was Freyberg - I think more guys wear speedos at Fryberg than other pools; although that's not to say all of them should. Although, that is to say that some of the should, and did, and we are glad... :)

Sunday was the swim-club guy called Ben who could a) swim, b) swim and c) could easily get our speedo certification.

Last weekend was Porirua and the goatee speedo wearing swimmer - nice pool out there and, well, it does provide it's distractions from the sometimes boring up/down of lap swimming. Although, I guess, one may argue that going up and down is not boring....

Wednesday was the mega-hunky amateur boxer who was just doing some laxy exercise before getting into training for this season. Mmmm talk about shoulders!!

OMG, the seriously hottest lifeguard was at the pool on Monday (see above - I should write a blog on swimming exploits!!) - I mean, are there words to describe. And OMG, he had a beard which are, normally, something I'm not so sure about but....... Pant pant... And then the diving instructor turned up - OMG twice over. OMG OMG OMG.

The First Post....

So, here we are, finally I have created a blog on swimming - and maybe other stuff - and maybe swimming in the broadest sense - but let's see where we get to shall we?

Last night, it was off to Huia Pool in Lower Hutt.

Huia is a rather nice pool, it has the hottest lifeguard (who wasn't on tonight) but the other cutey lifeguard (who's name I don't know!) was on - I mean, it's always nice to know that if you're going to start drowning you're going to get rescued by some cute/hot/you want to do stuff to you.

An ok swim, only 70 lengths (with some warm ups) but really I've been very slack lately!

In the fast lane last night were two totally edible underwater hockey guys who so confirmed that some people should wear speedos - definitely speedo certified. One was smooth, with the cutest butt (with New Zealand on his black speedos - I wonder if he was in the national squad or something). The other one wasn't smooth, just a nice smattering of hairy - mmm.....Lol - you'll think this is a total perve blog - which it isn't!! But, hey, if you're wondering where to swim in the Wellington region, you might as well go to where the views are good!! Underwater hockey guys are scary though - they can bascially not breathe!!

There was also a very nice looking guy, married I be thinking if he ring is anything to go by - who was in the slow lane then came into my lane. He had very hot legs!!

I should also point out that, actually, I'm half blind in the pool - my current goggles don't fit very well and I don't have my glasses on!! So, actually, I can't see really well - but there we go.

So, an ok swim, some good views and it's just great in this wonderfully stunning heat to get wet!!
