Sunday, March 9, 2008

It's Official....

Ok, so it's official - Johnsonville has really hot guys; why I don't know but every time I've been swimming at the J/Ville Pool there have been hot guys there. Really hot guys.


I initially went to Eastbourne to have a swim there - but do you think I could find the pool - no, no, no. So I drove home and did the only sensible thing - had a snooze....

Then I thought that I really needed to get off my fat ass and go for a swim.... So off to Johnsonville I did trundle.

A nice swim, I completely lost count of how many laps I did - I mean, I think I actually lost a whole 10 laps - odd odd.

But, OMG, there was a red head, he had a wedding ring but what a very very hunky body - he had a dazzling smile, a hot hairy chest, a cute ass, was wearing white shorts with a strip motif, fantastic shoulders, gorgeous pecs and, well, just very very nice... Yum yum... Hehe.

And there was a guy in my lane, white shorts as well, he was with his girlfriend (I think) and he was really cute too....

See, it's all just happening at at J/Ville. And, hey, if you're going to swim what's wrong with having a most excellent view whilst trying to stay healthy!!

So, a good swim with a most excellent view and a total reinforcing how, everytime, there are hot guys at J/Ville to distract you, excite you or just make you go mmmm....


ps. the red-head - seriously hot. Oh, as was the lifeguard - he was rather edible too. Oh, and then, as I'm thinking about it, the guy at reception, with glasses - hot/cute/mmm pick me too!!

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