Thursday, February 28, 2008

The First Post....

So, here we are, finally I have created a blog on swimming - and maybe other stuff - and maybe swimming in the broadest sense - but let's see where we get to shall we?

Last night, it was off to Huia Pool in Lower Hutt.

Huia is a rather nice pool, it has the hottest lifeguard (who wasn't on tonight) but the other cutey lifeguard (who's name I don't know!) was on - I mean, it's always nice to know that if you're going to start drowning you're going to get rescued by some cute/hot/you want to do stuff to you.

An ok swim, only 70 lengths (with some warm ups) but really I've been very slack lately!

In the fast lane last night were two totally edible underwater hockey guys who so confirmed that some people should wear speedos - definitely speedo certified. One was smooth, with the cutest butt (with New Zealand on his black speedos - I wonder if he was in the national squad or something). The other one wasn't smooth, just a nice smattering of hairy - mmm.....Lol - you'll think this is a total perve blog - which it isn't!! But, hey, if you're wondering where to swim in the Wellington region, you might as well go to where the views are good!! Underwater hockey guys are scary though - they can bascially not breathe!!

There was also a very nice looking guy, married I be thinking if he ring is anything to go by - who was in the slow lane then came into my lane. He had very hot legs!!

I should also point out that, actually, I'm half blind in the pool - my current goggles don't fit very well and I don't have my glasses on!! So, actually, I can't see really well - but there we go.

So, an ok swim, some good views and it's just great in this wonderfully stunning heat to get wet!!


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