Wednesday, April 30, 2008

He seriously...

He seriously is the hottest lifeguard around. He's got a beard, stunning pecs, just a great looker.... Mmm...

So, I know where you want to swim in the Wellington Region if you want to see the hottest lifeguard!

Then there was a DILF - I assume a D but who actually knows, who was wearing speedos (with speedo on the back) who was in the fast lane, then the slow lane, then my lane (the medium lane). He was very very DILF... Hehehehe.

And the guy who was in the fast lane - nice little body.... And he was in the change room, in front of the mirror - checking himself out - naked. I guess if that's your thing...


Only a gentle swim though... Hehehe....

Monday, April 28, 2008

A week away...

A super quickie entry.

Slack but I finally went swimming today - a whole 60 lengths - slack slack but at least I went.

The pool was fairly empty, it was a bit hard (it's amazing how quickly your fitness goes); there was an almost DILF, and one of the hot lifeguards.

Oh, well, habit habit, let's get back into it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Swimming. Today (well, yesterday evening).

Huia Pool.

Andrew. Hottest lifeguard. He was there. Got this super sexy beard thing going on.

Then this guy got in the fast lane with me. He had white goggles. Perfect physique. Tight tight buns in black biker style speedos. Gorgeous legs, stunning things. A brilliantly tight little tummy that flowed up to these perfect pecs - just absolutely sexy. And good looking - looked liked Scoobsta.

Just yum.

Then in the slow lane was some guy who I couldn't really see. Red/black togs (shorts) but he seemed to have really sexy shoulders and chest. Not as tight as the guy in the fast lane - but nice none-the-less.

Not a bad night at Huia. Not bad at all....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Long time...

OMG - I'll be quick....

But long time since I've swum.

I did go once last week - but it doesn't really count - I didn't do a blog entry and slack slack slack.

Today, 14 April - back on the bandwagon.

Went to Huia Pool; not that I felt particularly motivated - but at least I went.

Swam 50 lengths (plus warm ups and lost counts and breaststroke warm down).

Hot muscle boy from around Petone - think he used to run a café and/or be a cop. Cute and nice body - pecs to die for...

Then really nice boy in red shorts - heard him talking, he had an accent I couldn't place. Good looking though, nice tight little body.... Hehehe...

His friend who had some interesting tattoos - yes, nice too... hehehehe...

So, slack swim, at least I went, not bad eye candy for Huia and well, there we go!!